I offer individuals, couples and groups a unique counseling approach to resolve both current problems and long-standing negative patterns.

Drawing on a wide range of psychological theories and techniques, I assist my clients in cutting through the confusion and beliefs that may be holding them back and pinpointing pragmatic solutions to the complexities of modern life. Together we create a supportive and encouraging environment in order to explore new answers to old issues. Such discovery requires commitment and persistence from both you and me. 

New Clients

Existing Clients
Access the client portal for scheduling or changing appointments.
Client Portal



Sessions, usually 55 minutes in duration, with individuals, couples, or families.

Frequent topics: depression and anxiety, relationships, marriage and parenting, stress management, mid-life, confidence/self-esteem,  addiction and recovery, sexual identity, aging, health concerns..


Individual consultations on career choice, career advancement, improving work performance, managing employees, project completion.

Group presentations, usually 90 minutes, for one or more sessions. Topics include Mid-life Opportunities, Living Without Frenzy, Women Living Alone, Building Character/Ethics From Within.


Individual sessions on academic anxiety/underperformance, learning strategies, balancing school/work conflicts, overcoming procrastination, goal setting.

Institutional consultations on undergraduate admissions and retention, freshman seminar and learning framework courses, core curriculum.


To contact me, leave a message on my voicemail at 512-499-8994 or use the contact form.

I realize that you often encounter the people under your care at their worst times, experiencing emotional suffering and need. In the frenzy of this modern world, people get lost or discouraged. I want you to know that I will make every effort to respond to your referrals promptly and appropriately.

I use an eclectic range of theories and strategies with particular emphasis on cognitive behavioral therapy and developmental psychology.  As a pastoral counselor I strive to treat the entire person, emotionally as well as spiritually. Thus, my efforts are always to integrate theory and practice in order to promote healing of mind, body, and spirit.


Appointments are scheduled on the hour between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Tuesdays through Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sessions usually last 55 minutes and regular recurring appointments are available; or with advance warning, varying schedules can be accommodated.

My associate Cecile Adam will contact you to determine your initial reasons for considering counseling and whether I may be an appropriate resource for you. She can schedule such a conversation by your leaving the following information on my voicemail at 512-499-8994---your full name, a telephone number, the times you will be available to talk, and your email address---or sending the same information using the Inquiry/Appointment form.

Ms. Adam will schedule your initial appointment. Usually, it will be within one week.

Click here for online access to a patient portal through which you can complete your Insurance and Biographical Information. 

Patient Portal


Notice of Privacy Practices


You can choose on-site or telehealth (both audio and video) sessions.


I currently operate as a provider for several insurance plans and employee assistance programs. Holly Jackson at Cen-Tex Medical Claims will verify your coverage. Holly's contact information is under Billing Questions. If your plan provides coverage, she will process the claim for you, and you are responsible for the co-pay amount at the time the services are rendered.

If I am not a provider with your insurance carrier, I can provide services and file claims as an out-of-network provider. In that case, you are responsible for the full fee at the time of service, and, if available, your out of network benefits will apply.


$150 per 55 minute session for individuals and couples ($180 for initial session) Variable for group sessions depending on duration and setting

Cash, check, debit or credit cards are accepted.


Contact Holly Jackson at Cen-Tex Medical Claims

(512) 267-2614


If you do not come for your scheduled appointment, I expect you to notify me by voicemail or email at least 24 hours in advance or pay a $60 cancellation fee.

De Sellers

De Sellers, LPC


About Me...

Most of my current work is an encore career, chosen after graduating from the Seminary of the Southwest with a M.A. in Pastoral Ministry, at the age of 61. Prior to that event, I spent more than 25 years as a faculty member and administrator at Texas State University. My academic expertise is in educational psychology, especially the field of adult learning, and I continue to publish and lecture in that field.

For all of my professional life, I have been fascinated with how humans learn, grow, and change. The path from teacher to advisor to creator/manager of programs to writer to counselor continues to be exciting and rewarding. While I am licensed as an LPC in the state of Texas, I see myself as a pastoral counselor, a person who approaches others with a sense of mystery and the ability to enter into a therapeutic alliance with them so that they may reach their goals.

This definition comes to life for me through two ancient concepts. The first is the Celtic tradition of anam cara, a soul friend who acts as a companion, teacher, and spiritual guide. With such a soul friend, you can share your innermost self, both your mind and your heart. The Buddhist tradition of Kalyana-mitra (noble friend) is a parallel concept of someone who knows your true face and compassionately confronts you with your own blindness. Both traditions posit that humans have a great need to be known and that this level of companionship provides the truest view of our souls. This pastoral relationship provides the foundation for my therapeutic work with a client.

My personal life is rewarding—a senior marriage, family and friends. I belong to and worship with the community of St. James Episcopal Church in East Austin.

"It’s not so much that we’re afraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it’s that place in between that we fear... It’s like being in between trapezes. It’s Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There’s nothing to hold on to." — Marilyn Ferguson


© 2025 De Sellers, LPC